The Upper Mount of Mars
Position - Immediately under the mount of mercury,along the percussion.In a normal hand it occupies the space between the Head line and the Heart line
When normal position it in dicates courage and obstinacy.
When Displaced:
- Towards Percussion - Pluck
- Towards Palm - Aggression
- Towards Moon - Power of hypnotism
When Normal and with
- Pointed - Courage of martyr
- Conical - Courage of a Patriot
- Square - Courage of a Soldier
- Spatilate - Courage of a explorer
When in Excess and eith
- Pointed - Violence of a religious persecytor
- Conical - Violence of a wounded vanity
- Square - Violence of a disappointed schemer
- Spatulate - Violence of a ruffian
When absent and with
- Pointed - A coward in his creed
- Conical- A coward in facing the public
- Square - A coward in everday life
- Spatulate - A coward in feild of battle
Medical: Abnormal prominence and/or coverd with confused lines indicates a tendency towards
- Soor throat
- Bronchitis
- Through in blood pressure,circulation etc.If a person under dominance of the upper mount of Mars decides to commit suicide he will prefer to shoot himself
The Lower Mount of Mars
Position - It is a Mount left rather than located by sight. It is placed between an imaginary horizontal line crossing the hand from the bottom of the angle formed by the thumbs and the first fingers and the footof the mount of jupiter, at the starting point of a normally placed line of life. Inside the hand it extends to the line of life forming a triangular shape
When in Normal position - it indicates temper,struggle and endurence.
When Displaced:
- Towards the Mount of venus power of enduronce through affection
- Towards jupiter Power of endurance through pride
- Towards Thumbs - Power of induronce through shree
When Normal and with
- Pointed -Hevenly regisignation
- Conilcal -Stoicism
- Square - Patience
- Spalutate - Ignores fear pain
When in excess and with
- Pointed - Unhealthy,chastising of flash
- Conical - Hard -Hearted nex
- Square - Passive cruelty
- Spatulate - Active cruelty
When absent and with
- Pointed - Sensitive Soul
- Conical - Easily offended
- Square - Much afraid of physical or moral pain
Spatulate - A coward
Medical Abnormal Prominance or in coverd with confused lines indicates a disorder of generative organs If this person decides to end his life it will be by the dagger or the ragor
The Mounts of Mars :their Signature:
- Above average stature,strong but not heavy
- Small thick head
- Round face, reddish hue
- Short crisp, curly hair
- Large, bright, daring eyes blood shot whites
- Large mouth thinlips, yellowish teeth
- Thick, straight eyebrows
- Sharp long nose often curved and beak like, upturned chin
- Thiks cheeks, prominent ckeakbones
- Splendid chest, broad, flushy shoulders and back
- Thick, powerful voice and commanding tone
- Hard hand, thick, strong, short fingers first phalanx of thumb larger than second
- Sangune temperament
- Diseases of blood afflict him
- Apoplexy, skindiseases, inflammation of inner organs
- Risks wounds in quarrels
- Generous, magnanimous, devoted friend
- Spendthrift
- Energetic and has perseverance
- Uncouth, inmannerly, straight,direct
- Amorous
- Daring
- Domineering,wont listen to reason
- Loves to eat
- Loves fighting
- Great pride
- Hates scholarly activity
- Braggart
When bad indications are indicated:
- Criminal tendencies
- Murders
- Intemperate, uncontrolled passion