Palmistry Girdle of Venus

Girdle of Venus Position and Direction:

It normally starts from in between the first and second finger, and ends between the third and the fourth finger circling the Apollonian and atrinian mounts : It bespeaks of sensitivity and love of accult powers.

Girdle of Venus Character:

  • Deep and red cutting the lines of fate and Apollo : Vicious tendencies gravely impair the intellect affecting the career
  • Very thin cut by the lines of fate and Apollo : Wit, love and talent for literature and art. A good characteristic to have
  • Double girdle of Venus : hysterical insanity

Girdle of Venus Malformation:
  1. Broken : Sensuality in its coorst aspects
  2. Breaking the lines of fate, Apollo shattering them at intersection ; impediments to success due to sensual pursuits

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